Here, you can learn more about our refund process and how to track the status of your request.
What happens after I have requested a refund?
Once you've submitted a refund request, the author will review it and may contact you for more information, or try and resolve your issue.
If your request is approved, we’ll let you know. Your request will then be sent to our Help Team to be processed. Remember, once your refund has been processed, your right to use, download and rate the item is revoked.
If the author declines your request, we'll let you know that it is now closed. If you disagree with the decision, now will be the time to raise a dispute with us.
How long will it take for my refund request to be processed?
If your refund request is sent to an author you should expect to receive a response within five days. If this doesn't happen, you can "raise a dispute", which means you ask our Help Team to look into it.
If your refund request is approved by the author, it is sent to the Envato Help Team for processing. This usually takes three to five business days.
How do I track the status of my refund request?
If your request was sent to the author, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking link.
It is important you keep this link as you may need it to raise a dispute.
The tracking link gives you access to the refund request, where you can:
- Monitor the progress of your refund request,
- Communicate privately with the author (meaning that this conversation will be visible to you, the author and Envato only),
- Raise a dispute.
What role does Envato play?
We strongly recommend you contact the author as soon as you have an issue with your item.
When handling refund requests for items purchased on Codanya the typical enquiries we receive are:
- Problems with making payments and completing purchases.
Types of enquiries authors may receive are:
- The item is broken, malfunctioning or not as described,
- Problems with item support.
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