"Favorites" is a feature that allows you to save your treasured items on Codanya. So if you see something you like, but you’re not ready to use it right now, simply save the item for a future project.

Accessing your Favorites

You can easily access your favorite items via the ‘Favorites’ link located in your profile drop-down menu.



Adding and removing items to Favorites

To add an item to your favourite ones:

  1. Sign in to your Codanya account.
  2. Select the item you wish to add to your favourites. Click on the heart icon thumbnail
  3. The icon thumbnail should become a green heart meaning the item has been added to your favourites


To remove an item from your favourites:

  1. Go to your profile drop-down menu and click ‘Favorites’
  2. go to the item you wish to remove.
  3. Click the ‘Added to favourites’ green heart button 
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